József Klekl (writer)

József Klekl the Jr. (Slovene: Jožef Klekl, March 3, 1879 – September 24, 1936) was a Slovene writer, journalist, and Roman Catholic priest in Hungary, later in the Prekmurje (Slovene March).

Klekl was born in Krajna, near Tišina from father András Klekl and mother Anna Lülik. András Klekl's brother was István Klekl, the father of József Klekl, who was Slovene politician and also Catholic priest. The grandfather of the Klekl brothers, Anton Klekl was German descent from the Prlekija.

Klekl's ordination was in June 27, 1902 in Szombathely. Four years was chaplain in Sveti Jurij, near Rogašovci, one year in Rechnitz between the Burgenland Croats, three years in Turnišče and one year in Murska Sobota. By 1911 was priest in Dolenci, where he died in 1936.

In 1906-1919 was the editor of Prekmurian almanach Kalendar Srca Jezušovoga, in 1918-1919 editor of the newspaper Novine. In 1918 support the program of the autonomous Slovene March (Slovenska krajina) in Hungary or Slovenia. After the World War I support the use of the Prekmurian language. In his articles hard attacking the communism.

See also
